HomeWeb TechnologyCool Ways to Make Your Blogs More Interactive and Unique
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Cool Ways to Make Your Blogs More Interactive and Unique


What the readers crave for is interactive content. Some people might think it is expensive and labor-intensive but, in fact, it’s easy, fast, and even free. 

These tools allow you to start immediately interacting with customers, which draws them in and converts at higher rates, and gives feedback to improve business. 

Here are 7 ways to make your blogs more interactive: 

1. Use Social Media 

Social media is a great way to get your blog out there. You can use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. to share content about your blog posts. If you have a lot of followers, they may even help promote your blog! 

2. Ask Questions 

You can ask questions on your blog to gain insight into what people want to know. This can give you ideas for future topics and allow you to create a community around your blog. 

3. Give Away Free Stuff 

Give away free stuff to your readers. People love getting something for nothing. You can do giveaways via email, social media, or even on your own website. 

4. Have a Poll 

Have a poll where people can vote on their favorite topic. This can be done on your site or on a third- party site like SurveyMonkey.com. 

5. Create a Video Tutorial 

Create a video tutorial on how to do something. This could be anything from how to make a certain recipe to how to build a specific project. 

6. Interview Experts 

Interview experts who are relevant to your niche. This can be anyone from authors to bloggers to business owners. 

7. Write Guest Posts 

Write guest posts for other blogs. This gives you exposure and helps you develop relationships with other bloggers. 

Cool Tools Make Your Blogs Unique 


PlayBuzz is tailored to empower companies to generate an interactive feature, embed it in their marketing content, and watch user engagement rise and their network grow. With it, you can create free countdowns, polls, personality quizzes, flip cards, trivia, and so on.  


SlideShare can be embedded into a blog post and it breaks down a topic for readers in a more visual way, instead of static paragraphs of text. Readers appreciate options for taking in information and understanding their limits. SlideShare transforms already written content into powerful snippets of data. 


Insert some fun into your digital content with interesting GIFs However, make sure to use them appropriately.  This type of interactive content is rising on social platforms because of the flashy element and viral qualities.

Smriti Rajan
Smriti Rajan
Smriti Rajan comes from a political science and literature background, having an immense passion for writing across varied topics. She has written several articles and blogs for diverse audiences worldwide. She has produced several research publications, policy frameworks, and opinion pieces for think tanks, government institutions and corporates. Alongside this, she writes for a large Fortune 500 clientele and is a key contributing writer for Wikistrat on their EMEA desk. Currently, she resides in India.
Image Courtesy: Pexels

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