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Decoding Google Analytics 4 and Its Top 4 Features

The marketing community is abuzz with a new-found word - Google Analytics 4 or GA4. It is not a marketing jargon but the latest version of the very powerful analytics tool. Businesses have commenced bidding adieu to Universal Analytics (previous versions) and exploring the new one.

B2B marketing trends Q&A: Transforming strategies for the future

B2B marketing is undergoing a transformation driven by big advancements in tech and changing buyer behaviors. A new research study by Winterberry Group, Outlook for...

Top Benefits of Deploying Secure Internet Access Solutions

To address the security challenges, organizations are turning to newer technologies like software-defined wide area networks (SD-WAN) and zero-trust networks.

Manufacturing Goes Green: Enabling a Circular Economy with IoT and Big Data

In the quest for a more sustainable future, the manufacturing industry is playing a crucial role. By implementing circular economy principles, businesses are finding...

The Rise of Cognitive Computing Platforms

As these systems continue to learn and evolve, we can expect even more groundbreaking innovations in the years to come.

Role of Robotics and AI in Modern Manufacturing

With the advancement in technology, AI is undoubtedly becoming a major factor in many industries. AI is a broader term for computer systems that...

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