HomeIoTEdge Computing, IoT, and Blockchain: A Perfect Trio for Data Privacy
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Edge Computing, IoT, and Blockchain: A Perfect Trio for Data Privacy


Today’s hyperconnectivity world is a billion-device Internet of Things (IoT) society, and the most significant requirement in this arena is robust data privacy solutions. Since the expansion of IoT has increased the generation, transmission, and processing of data, it stands out as a powerhouse for cyber threats. The risks can, however, be countered by an emerging perfect complement: edge computing and blockchain technology, now forming an awe-inspiring trio in safeguarding data privacy for IoT.

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Role of Edge Computing in IoT

Edge computing is defined as the processing of data closer to the source; that is, located at the “edge” of the network instead of relying on centralized cloud servers. Latency is drastically reduced, and real-time decision-making is increased, both of which are critical needs for many of the IoT devices in question. Edge computing only ensures that there is minimal exposure of data as data is transmitted in bits, thus no sensitive information travels to distant cloud centers, reducing the area of cyber attack surface.

Blockchain for Secure IoT Network

Blockchain refers to the decentralized ledger technology that ensures and maintains transparency, immutability, and security. It is only when blockchain is used on IoT that the record and verification of transactions between devices become secure. Its distributed nature also makes it virtually impossible for hackers to change the data without detection. A trustless environment provided by blockchain also eliminates the need for an intermediary, thus further promoting direct communication between IoT devices.

The Power of the Trio

The confluence of edge computing, IoT, and blockchain gives a promising framework for data privacy. With its computation done near the source of origin, this framework minimizes how much it sends to the cloud, thereby decreasing exposure. Blockchain then ensures data integrity at the network level. While both are challenges within the IoT chain, this confluence assures that latency will be resolved and security implemented—something that is a necessity in specific industries like healthcare, finance, and smart cities—in processing sensitive information.

Therefore, edge computing, IoT, and blockchain are soundly positioned as a new wave to propel innovative data privacy. As the IoT space expands, these technologies will pre-emptively govern the paradigm of secure networks: efficient and scalable.

Samita Nayak
Samita Nayak
Samita Nayak is a content writer working at Anteriad. She writes about business, technology, HR, marketing, cryptocurrency, and sales. When not writing, she can usually be found reading a book, watching movies, or spending far too much time with her Golden Retriever.
Image Courtesy: Pexels

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