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Generative AI: Exploring the Future of Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an essential part of our lives, and its potential applications continue to expand. Generative AI is one of the most exciting areas of AI, which is becoming increasingly popular in recent years.  

This blog will explain what Generative AI is, how it works, and who is currently leading the way in this exciting field. 

What Is Generative AI? 

It refers to machine learning techniques that allow AI systems to create new data or content that is similar to what they have learned from existing data. In other words, it enables AI systems to generate new information or images that are similar to what humans can create. This technology is based on deep neural networks and statistical modeling that allow machines to learn patterns and create new content. 

How does Generative AI work? 

It works by training an AI system on a large dataset of images, audio, or text. The AI system analyzes the dataset and learns patterns and relationships between the data. Once trained, the system can generate new content by manipulating the learned patterns and creating new variations. For example, Generative AI can create new images of faces, generate new music, or write new stories. 

Who is in the lead in Generative AI? 

Currently, there are several players in the field of Generative AI, but some companies stand out for their innovation and advancements in this area. 

  1. OpenAI: OpenAI is a research lab founded in 2015 by a group of tech leaders, including Elon Musk and Sam Altman. OpenAI has developed some of the most advanced Generative AI models, such as GPT-3, which can write coherent text and answer complex questions. OpenAI has also developed DALL-E, a model that can create new images from textual descriptions. 
  1. NVIDIA: NVIDIA is a technology company that designs graphics processing units (GPUs) and other computer hardware. NVIDIA has developed StyleGAN, a Generative AI model that can create high-quality images of faces, objects, and scenes. StyleGAN2 is an improved version of the model that can generate even more realistic images. 
  1. Google: Google is one of the leaders in AI research and development. Google has developed a Generative AI model called DeepDream, which can create hallucinogenic images by enhancing the patterns and features in existing images. Google has also developed a model called BigGAN, which can generate high-resolution images of objects and animals. 
  1. Adobe: Adobe is a software company that specializes in creating creative tools for designers and artists. Adobe has developed a Generative AI model called Adobe Sensei, which can create new designs and layouts based on user input. Adobe also offers a product called Adobe Fresco, which uses Generative AI to simulate natural media such as oil and watercolor. 


Generative AI is an exciting area of AI that has the potential to revolutionize the way we create content and solve problems. The companies mentioned above are just a few of the players in this field, and many others are also working on developing advanced Generative AI models. As Generative AI continues to evolve, it will become more accessible to businesses and individuals, enabling new forms of creativity and innovation. 

How AI Levels the Playing Field in a Complex Cyber Threats

How AI Levels the Playing Field in a Complex Cyber Threats

For small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), navigating the treacherous waters of cybersecurity can feel like steering a dinghy through a hurricane. With limited resources and expertise, they’re often seen as easy prey for cybercriminals who wield increasingly sophisticated threats. But fear not, intrepid entrepreneurs! There’s a secret weapon in your arsenal: artificial intelligence. 

This isn’t some sci-fi pipe dream; AI is already changing the game for SMBs, offering potent tools to combat cyber threats. Here’s how: 

Threat Hunter Extraordinaire 

Gone are the days of signature-based defenses. AI-powered systems learn and evolve, identifying suspicious patterns and anomalies that traditional methods miss. Think of it as having a cyber-Sherlock Holmes on your team, sniffing out hidden threats before they cause damage. 

Automated Defense Wall 

Say goodbye to manual security grunt work. AI automates mundane tasks like log analysis and vulnerability patching, freeing up your precious time and resources for higher-level security planning. Think of it as having a tireless robot army tirelessly securing your digital borders. 

Proactive Threat Hunting 

Traditional security is reactive, waiting for attacks to happen. AI goes on the offensive, hunting for potential threats before they materialize. It’s like having a futuristic radar system scanning for cyber-meteors before they crash into your business. 

Democratizing Expertise 

Lacking an in-house security team doesn’t have to be a death sentence. AI-powered solutions offer user-friendly interfaces and actionable insights, making complex security concepts accessible even to non-technical users. You don’t need a cybersecurity degree to keep your data safe anymore. 

Cost-Effective Protection 

Expensive security solutions are no longer the only option. AI offers scalable and affordable solutions that cater to the specific needs and budgets of SMBs. Think of it as having a super-powered security guard who works for peanuts (or rather, bits and bytes). 

Adaptability to the Evolving Threat Landscape 

Hackers are like chameleons, constantly changing tactics. But AI is here to keep pace. AI models continuously learn and adapt, staying ahead of the latest attack vectors and protecting you from ever-evolving threats. It’s like having a self-updating antivirus that never sleeps on the job. 

Employee Awareness Boost 

AI-powered training tools educate employees on cybersecurity best practices, making them aware of phishing scams, social engineering techniques, and other malicious tactics. Think of it as having a virtual cyber-coach empowering your team to be the first line of defense. 

Breach Mitigation Speed Demon 

In the unfortunate event of a breach, AI can help minimize damage by quickly identifying and isolating the affected areas. It’s like having a digital fire brigade that puts out the cyber-flames before they engulf your entire network. 

Compliance Made Easy 

Navigating the complex world of data privacy regulations can be a headache. AI streamlines compliance by automating data categorization and access controls, taking the burden off your shoulders. Think of it as having a digital legal assistant ensuring you’re always on the right side of the cyber-law. 

Building Future-Proof Defenses 

The cyber threats landscape is constantly evolving, and AI is at the forefront of innovation. By investing in AI-powered security solutions today, you’re future-proofing your business against the unknown threats of tomorrow. It’s like building a digital fortress that can withstand the cyber-storms of the future. 

Wrap Up 

So, SMBs, don’t despair! AI is here to tilt the playing field in your favor. Embrace its power, and watch your cyber defenses rise like impregnable digital walls against the ever-encroaching tide of cyber threats. 

Remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg! Share your thoughts and experiences with AI in the comments below. Let’s build a community of secure and savvy SMBs together!

Be a Business Intelligence Analyst with These Skills


In this age of advanced technology, business growth depends on accurate forecasting and prediction of business models. Your ability to examine data and emerging trends to tell what is achievable in business is a big part of business intelligence.

A business intelligence analyst works with companies to research competitors and understand market seasons through data analysis. So, it is a plus if you understand business models and have strong consulting skills.

Although there are variations among the exact job description of a business intelligence analyst, it all comes down to these.

  • Break down key business data models that help in data visualization.
  • Interpret data to find key patterns and potential growth points.
  • Share views, findings, and analytics reports that recommend a business direction and key investment opportunities.

If you want to improve yourself, here are six skills you can learn as a business intelligence analyst.

  1. Data mining
  2. Data structuring
  3. Thinking capabilities
  4. Programming
  5. Data analysis
  6. Data visualization

Let’s understand some of them more.

Data mining

Data mining skills help you understand where you can get information relevant to your business. Data is usually always available in large volumes. Data mining skills allow you to extract, clean, and provide useful information. The three main methods of data mining are classification, clustering, and association.

Data classification divides large data sets into categories that include public data, confidential data, local data, and internal data. Another part of data mining is creating a data cluster. By combining the data, you will discover the relationship between the extracted data and what makes them so similar.

However, you can understand why data mining skills are important for business intelligence because they are the foundation of business intelligence.

Data structuring

Although data mining involves combining similar data, you still need to organize and structure the extracted data. Data structuring transforms raw data into analytics-ready data as you can only use organized and structured data in business analytics. Managing business data requires programming skills.

As part of your data preparation skills, you must learn how to filter, clean, and transform data. These processes help you identify errors and capture and store data that enables you to validate data so you can make informed business decisions. It also saves your company from unreliable analysis results.

Thinking capabilities

You must have critical thinking skills, which is the responsibility of a business intelligence analyst. Collecting data, analyzing it, and drawing useful conclusions for your company also puts you on the pedestal of success as a business intelligence analyst.

Analytical and critical skills will help you look at data properly and build something useful from the collected data. Critical thinking will also help you identify weaknesses in the company’s system based on the information you gather.

Tech Ethics 101: Navigating Ethical Challenges in the Digital Era for Better Networking

Tech Ethics 101 Navigating Ethical Challenges in the Digital Era for Better Networking

In our hyper-connected world, where every click, swipe, and tap generates data, the ethical landscape of technology has never been more crucial. As businesses delve deeper into the digital realm, they encounter a myriad of ethical challenges that demand thoughtful navigation. The cornerstone of these challenges is ensuring that technological advancements align with moral principles, privacy rights, and societal well-being. From privacy concerns looming large in the age of data proliferation to the responsible use of artificial intelligence shaping our future interactions, the ethical terrain of technology is intricate and multifaceted.

In this blog, we’ll explore these ethical challenges and provide actionable insights to navigate them effectively.

Understanding Ethical Challenges

Privacy Concerns in the Digital Space

With the vast amount of data being collected, ensuring user privacy has become a paramount concern. Companies need to adopt transparent policies and robust encryption methods to safeguard user information.

Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI technologies are powerful especially when it comes to networking, but it can be misused. Establishing ethical guidelines for AI development and usage is crucial. It’s imperative to balance innovation with ethical considerations to prevent biases and ensure fair decision-making processes.

Cybersecurity Threats and Data Breaches

The increasing frequency of cyber-attacks raises concerns about data breaches. Focusing on cybersecurity measures, such as multi-factor authentication and regular security audits, can mitigate risks and protect sensitive information.

Digital Inclusivity and Accessibility

As technology evolves, ensuring digital inclusivity becomes essential. Businesses must design products and services that are accessible to all, including people with disabilities, to promote an inclusive digital environment.


The journey toward ethical tech practices doesn’t end here; it’s an ongoing commitment. By incorporating ethical principles into the core of our digital endeavors, we can foster trust, empower users, and pave the way for a harmonious coexistence between humanity and technology. Let us not merely adapt to the digital era but shape it with ethical integrity, ensuring that innovation serves the greater good. Together, we can create a digital landscape where ethics and technology seamlessly coalesce, leading us to a future where innovation is not just smart but also profoundly ethical.

4 Reasons Creative YouTube Video Ads Work for Brands


YouTube is more than just a video-sharing website; it has benefits for both consumers and companies. YouTube is fun to use! Utilize the platform to advertise your company in innovative ways. Your marketing efforts will be significantly impacted by a strong video content strategy. Following YouTube’s setup instructions is all that is necessary to get up and running, however having a pre-planned strategy and content structure does assist. 

Here are 4 reasons creative YouTube video ads work for brands: 

1. Increases Brand Exposure 

No matter how big or little your company is, there are undoubtedly YouTube users who have never heard of you. Therefore, by uploading content and advertisements to the channel, every brand has the potential to increase visibility. Additionally, YouTube’s search function is a fantastic tool. Search enables brand videos to stay relevant, grow in views, and continue to develop an audience over an extended period of time because videos can stay on the platform for years. Comparatively speaking, content on other social media platforms tends to ebb and flow quickly, not gaining the same traction as it does on YouTube. 

2. Multi-Channel Marketing Opportunities 

To effectively communicate your brand message to your target audience, you must advertise through a variety of channels and build a cohesive, multi-layered marketing campaign. If you don’t include YouTube in your list of channels, it’s like leaving a digit off a phone number; a lot of your other marketing efforts may not be as effective because you aren’t promoting your content to your audience when they are most responsive. In fact, video has become so mainstream that adopting a video-first marketing approach can demonstrate that it can serve as the top of the funnel rather than an extra. 

The effectiveness of multi-channel marketing initiatives has been widely established, showing how reaction rates from consumers rise with repeated exposure (as opposed to seeing one single isolated advert). YouTube has a wealth of data and analytics, making it able to offer the necessary insights and information to businesses so they can make the little adjustments needed to see a significant uptake and return on ad expenditure. 

3. Boosts Brand Credibility and Personality 

Like any social media presence, YouTube content in some form may significantly boost a brand’s trust. Viewers may immediately determine a company’s authenticity based on the products or services offered as well as the content itself. As a result, they will interact with the brand, increasing its reputation. 

YouTube offers personalization past just the videos themselves. It is possible to personalize a brand’s YouTube channel and page to varying degrees, and the generous character count allows brands to say more than just the title of the video. Easy access to AI copywriting tools has facilitated the production of excellent YouTube videos. They include templates for titles, introductions, and descriptions, as well as topics for videos and script outlines. These minor adjustments may make content shine for brands with a growing following and foster brand loyalty. 

4. Brands Can Generate Leads 

YouTube offers several great channels for businesses to attract new clients (and customers to find new brands, too). One strategy makes use of the platform’s search function. Brand videos have a better chance of appearing higher for relevant searches by making sure to optimize videos and descriptions utilizing keywords and phrases. 

In addition, YouTube offers lead generation tools in the shape of redirect links to other brand-owned videos and end cards, a pop-up enticing viewer to visit your channel or an off-site landing page. 

In Conclusion 

It’s not too late for brands to start posting and advertising on YouTube, but they are losing out if they don’t. With the ability to support the goods and services of practically any industry, it is a platform that enables marketers and businesses to get as much out as they put in. 

Navigating the Digital Frontier: Key Cybersecurity Challenges

Navigating the Digital Frontier Key Cybersecurity Challenges

In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital world, the role of cybersecurity has become more pivotal than ever. As technology advances, so do the tactics of cyber threats. In 2024, businesses and individuals find themselves facing a formidable array of challenges in the realm of cybersecurity. Let’s delve into the key issues shaping the evolving threat landscape and explore strategies to fortify our defenses. 

Rise of Ransomware 2.0 

  • Challenge: Ransomware attacks have undergone a metamorphosis, evolving into more sophisticated and targeted forms. Cybercriminals are increasingly employing tactics like double extortion, where sensitive data is not only encrypted but also threatened with public exposure. 
  • Strategy: Strengthen your cybersecurity posture by regularly backing up critical data, adopting advanced endpoint protection, and educating employees on recognizing and reporting phishing attempts. 

Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

  • Challenge: The interconnected nature of supply chains presents an attractive target for cybercriminals. Breaches in one part of the supply chain can have cascading effects on multiple organizations. 
  • Strategy: Conduct thorough risk assessments of your supply chain partners, implement robust contractual obligations for cybersecurity, and foster a culture of shared cybersecurity responsibility throughout the supply chain. 

AI-Driven Cyber Attacks

  • Challenge: The deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by cybercriminals is on the rise, enabling more automated and adaptive attacks. This presents challenges in detecting and mitigating threats in real-time. 
  • Strategy: Leverage AI and machine learning in your cybersecurity defenses to enhance threat detection capabilities. Implement behavioral analysis tools that can identify anomalies and patterns indicative of a potential cyber attack. 

Cloud Security Concerns

  • Challenge: The widespread adoption of cloud services introduces new vectors for cyber threats. Misconfigurations, inadequate access controls, and insecure application programming interfaces (APIs) pose significant risks. 
  • Strategy: Implement a robust cloud security strategy that includes regular audits, encryption of sensitive data, and strict access controls. Utilize cloud-native security solutions to address specific challenges associated with cloud environments. 

Emergence of Deepfake Technology

  • Challenge: Deepfake technology has matured, enabling the creation of highly convincing fake audio and video content. This poses threats in various domains, including impersonation attacks and misinformation campaigns. 
  • Strategy: Educate employees about the existence of deepfake threats, implement multi-factor authentication to mitigate impersonation risks, and invest in advanced threat detection tools capable of identifying manipulated media. 

IoT Security Gaps

  • Challenge: The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices continues to outpace the development of robust security measures. Insecure IoT devices can serve as entry points for cybercriminals. 
  • Strategy: Implement strong authentication measures for IoT devices, regularly update firmware and software, segment IoT networks from critical systems, and conduct thorough risk assessments when integrating new IoT devices. 

Regulatory Compliance Challenges

  • Challenge: The evolving regulatory landscape poses challenges for businesses striving to stay compliant with data protection laws and industry-specific regulations. 
  • Strategy: Stay informed about regulatory changes, conduct regular assessments to ensure compliance, and implement comprehensive data governance practices. Collaborate with legal and compliance teams to navigate evolving regulatory frameworks effectively. 

Human Factor Vulnerabilities

  • Challenge: Humans remain a significant point of vulnerability, with phishing attacks and social engineering tactics being prevalent. The rapid shift to remote work has further increased susceptibility. 
  • Strategy: Prioritize cybersecurity awareness training for employees, conduct simulated phishing exercises, and encourage a culture of vigilant reporting for any suspicious activity. Implement robust endpoint protection solutions to mitigate human-related risks. 


As we navigate the ever-evolving threat landscape in 2024, a proactive and adaptive cybersecurity approach is paramount. Businesses and individuals must recognize the dynamic nature of cyber threats and continually update their defenses to stay one step ahead. Embracing a holistic cybersecurity strategy, combining technological solutions, employee training, and regulatory compliance efforts, is the key to mitigating risks and safeguarding the digital future. In this era of constant innovation, cybersecurity resilience is not an option—it’s a necessity for the survival and success of organizations in the digital frontier. 

Cloud Cost Optimization: Strategies for Efficient Resource Management

Cloud Cost Optimization Strategies for Efficient Resource Management

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses rely heavily on cloud computing to drive efficiency and innovation. However, one significant challenge they face is the rising costs associated with managing cloud resources effectively. Cloud cost optimization has become paramount, addressing the pain points of escalating expenses and inefficient resource allocation. In this blog, we will explore strategies to optimize cloud costs through efficient resource management, ensuring businesses maximize their investment while enhancing performance and scalability.

Understanding Resource Management

Effective cloud cost optimization begins with a deep understanding of resource management. It involves analyzing the utilization of virtual machines, storage, and databases to identify underutilized or idle resources. By understanding the nuances of your cloud environment, you can make informed decisions to streamline resources and reduce unnecessary costs.

Right-sizing Resources

Right-sizing involves matching cloud resources with actual needs. Many businesses overspend on over-provisioned resources. By accurately sizing instances based on workload requirements, you can eliminate wasted resources, leading to substantial cost savings. Regular monitoring and adjustment of resources ensure your infrastructure is always aligned with demand.

Implementing Automation

Automation plays a pivotal role in cloud cost optimization. By automating scaling, scheduling, and workload management, businesses can dynamically adjust resources based on demand fluctuations. This proactive approach not only enhances efficiency but also prevents over-provisioning, reducing costs in real time.

Leveraging Reserved Instances

Cloud service providers offer reserved instances, allowing businesses to commit to specific resources for a predefined period. By leveraging reserved instances, you can secure significant discounts compared to on-demand pricing. Careful planning and utilization of reserved instances can lead to substantial cost reductions, especially for predictable workloads.


In conclusion, cloud cost optimization through efficient resource management is essential for businesses aiming to achieve sustainable growth. By understanding resource utilization, right-sizing instances, implementing automation, and leveraging reserved instances, companies can significantly reduce their cloud expenses while enhancing performance and scalability.

Embracing these strategies not only addresses the challenges associated with escalating costs but also ensures that businesses can focus on innovation and core competencies. Stay ahead in the competitive landscape by optimizing your cloud costs and maximizing the value of your investments in cloud computing.

Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neural Networks: The Future of Human-Computer Interaction


Imagine being able to control your computer or other electronic devices with just your thoughts. This may sound like science fiction, but it’s becoming a reality thanks to advances in Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and Neural Networks.

In this blog post, we will explore what these technologies are, how they work, and the potential they hold for the future of human-computer interaction. 

What Are Brain-Computer Interfaces? 

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are devices that translate brain signals into computer commands. BCIs typically use electroencephalography (EEG) or other sensors to detect electrical signals from the brain. These signals are then processed by a computer algorithm and translated into actions such as moving a cursor or typing a message. 

BCIs have a variety of applications, including helping individuals with disabilities interact with their environment. For example, BCIs can be used to control prosthetic limbs or communicate with others without the need for physical movement. 

How Do Neural Networks Fit in? 

Neural Networks are a subset of machine learning algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. Neural Networks consist of layers of interconnected nodes that process information and make predictions. By training these networks on large datasets, they can learn to recognize patterns and make accurate predictions on new data. 

Neural Networks are a key component of many BCIs, as they can help improve the accuracy and reliability of the signals detected from the brain. By using machine learning techniques to analyze EEG data, for example, Neural Networks can learn to distinguish between different types of brain activity, such as those associated with movement or speech. 

Potential Applications 

BCIs and Neural Networks have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with computers and other electronic devices. Here are just a few examples of the potential applications: 

  1. Communication: BCIs could enable individuals with disabilities to communicate with others without the need for physical movement. 
  1. Control of electronic devices: BCIs could allow individuals to control electronic devices such as televisions or computers using only their thoughts. 
  1. Prosthetic limbs: BCIs could be used to control prosthetic limbs, enabling individuals with amputations to perform complex movements. 
  1. Gaming: BCIs could be used to create immersive gaming experiences, where players control characters using only their thoughts. 
  1. Education: BCIs could be used to improve the learning experience for individuals with learning disabilities, by providing personalized feedback based on their brain activity. 
  1. Medical diagnosis: BCIs could be used to detect early signs of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, enabling earlier treatment and improved outcomes. 

Challenges and Ethical Considerations for BCIs

While the potential applications of BCIs and Neural Networks are exciting, there are also several challenges and ethical considerations to consider. One challenge is the accuracy and reliability of the signals detected from the brain. This is particularly important for applications such as prosthetic limbs, where precise movements are necessary. 

Another consideration is privacy and data security. BCIs record sensitive information about a person’s brain activity, and this data must be protected from unauthorized access or use. 

Finally, there are ethical concerns around the use of BCIs for non-medical purposes. For example, should employers be allowed to use BCIs to monitor employee productivity? Should BCIs be used to create immersive gaming experiences that could potentially be addictive? 


Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neural Networks have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with computers and other electronic devices. From enabling individuals with disabilities to communicate with others, to improving the learning experience for individuals with learning disabilities, the applications are vast. 

However, there are also challenges and ethical considerations that must be addressed to ensure that these technologies are used in a responsible and ethical manner.

5 Best Free Photoshop Alternatives You Need to See

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Tired of everything being a subscription to edit photos? Need to edit photos without subscribing or downloading an app? The cost and impatience around this can be high. Adobe Photoshop may be the industry standard. But there are plenty of free alternatives for it out there. Before looking at some of those in detail, let us first understand what the best photo editing software has to offer.  

What are the features of the best free photo editing software? 

  • Not Just Providing Basic Features: Adjusting brightness, contrast, cropping are some of the basic features available in all editing apps. What sets the best apart are advanced features like curves, clone/healing brushes, blending modes, RAW support, and more. 
  • Easy Usage: The basic layout of Photoshop has remained the same for almost 30 years now. This is because it is intuitive, and it works. The best free photo editor apps also aim for the same easy usage. 
  • Adding Text and Design Elements: Today’s tools are required to include trending fonts and templates, graphic elements and so on to make creating social media content easier and faster. 

Based on the above criteria and other usual metrics, the following apps are considered to be some of the best in the field of free photo editing: 

Best alternative for maintaining brand consistency across remote teams

Canva is targeted at beginner designers, but it does have features that most pro editors have. But its best strength is achieving brand consistency on the free version. You can do this by just keeping your logo files and brand colors images in Uploads or a shared Google Drive folder imported to Canvas.  

Best alternative for artistic effects 

Colorcinch is not only for adding special effects. You can add graphic layers and text as well. Colorcinch is good for effects as it does not overdo it. There are subtle overlays, like sun flares, light leaks, and textures, and dramatic ones, like falling snow and fog. Each of these categories has at least one free option. 

Best alternative for an authentic Photoshop experience

Pixlr E and Pixlr X – Pixlr E is the advanced version and Pixlr X is the one for beginners. Pixlr E is a convincing replica of Photoshop. Layers management is one of its highlights. You get separate layers with the same blending modes and opacity settings as in Photoshop.  

Best alternative for advanced photo editing

Polarr has a clean and minimal design. It has combined features of both Lightroom and Photoshop. For more advanced features like gradient, color, text, liquify, and brush mask effects, you have to get the Pro version though.  

Best alternative for retouching and curves control

Fotor has sophisticated options like editing curve, grain, and noise level, all for free. Some effects though are paid features, like their AI-powered “1-tap enhance” and the background and object removers.Â